60 years dedicated to printing and binding
all kinds of graphic products
We are part of the Grupo Editorial Prensa Ibérica and, since then, we have been investing continuously in the improvement of processes and technology.
Our technological capacity, the experience and training of our staff and the interest in providing a comprehensive and personalized service to our clients, has led us to lead the national printing and binding market and expand our presence in Europe.
Customer orientation and the search for excellence are our lines of action.
Production centre
Liberdúplex has a production center of more than 30,000 m2 where all the pre-press, printing and binding processes of the product are carried out.
Plano Liberdúplex


Ctra. BV 2249 Km 7,4
Polígono Industrial Torrentfondo
08791 Sant Llorenç d’Hortons
Publishing group Prensa Ibérica
Editorial Prensa Ibérica is one of the largest regional press groups in Spain with a wide presence in nine autonomous communities.
Initially dedicated to publishing newspapers, Prensa Ibérica has become a multimedia group thanks to the expansion in Internet business, mainly in the digital editions of its newspapers, and the proliferation of its local television and radio stations
With a methodology based on customer-oriented processes, our Comprehensive Management System includes certifications in the highest international standards.
Color management

ISO 14001

ISO 9001
Chain of custody

Chain of custody
Integrated management system policy
Liberdúplex operates under an integrated management system, which includes high control over processes, their quality and their impact on the environment. The GIS policy includes the fundamental principles of this management.
Equality policy
We are pleased to inform you of the philosophy and corporate culture that this company has in terms of equality between men and women and the right of all people to be treated equally and equitably.
Chain of custody
The address of Liberdúplex, S.L.U. has implemented a chain of custody management system according to the FSC® FSC-STD-40-004 Ve-1 and PEFC PEFC ST 2002:2020 standards in its printing and handling process for all types of graphic products.
Ethical code
Liberdúplex S.L.U. is attached
to the Prensa Ibérica business group.
All our collaborators
must comply with our code
business ethics.
We are committed to Corporate Social Responsibility.
We are regularly audited by ECOVADIS and we collaborate regularly with the Food Bank.